Thursday 15 May 2008

An Antique that truly Wows

Gee! Look at this item! What is it? It's a condom, ladies and gentlemen! And is not an ordinary one! You'll never find such a marvelous accessory in any sex toys store.

You'll find it in the Tirolean County Museum in Austria. It's the oldest surviving condom in the world – a splendid sheath that has been put on display the former summer.

The antique features a wondrous construction made out of pig intestine that stems from 1640. The reusable sheath is completely intact and comes complete with an instructive manual written in Latin.

The manual stipulates some tips regarding the condom's usage. For instance, there is suggested that the user should immerse the condom in warm milk prior to its use. This procedure has been proved to avoid diseases.

Hey guys, would you like a piece of intestine on your penis? Pretty tantalizing! Hell, it seems so disgusting!